Joined Ones’ Clubhouse

Yes, I know that serious readers and bloggers don’t frequent clubhouses. However, since that’s what my characters called their gathering place, I going with it.

I am still working full time (the life of the starving artist) so action on this site may be limited to weekends. Some of that will depend on you, the reader. You will either have comments to add or you won’t. The more comments, the more I will find a way to make it here to respond.

What am I looking for, you ask? Well, like most artists, I need positive reinforcement and honest critiques. I know what I like but what do you like. What story or vignette did you find compelling? Which ones left you cold? You know, like that.

I may be writing some short stories based in the Joined Ones universe and previewing them here. However, since these stories will be written only when I am blocked on my new novel, don’t look for much right away.

The new novel is targeted for Christmas of this year, which probably means another March release. It doesn’t have anything to do with the Joined Ones universe. In fact, it is set in the distant future and the immediate past. Yeah, I may have gotten a little too ambitious there. We’ll see.

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